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Scientific papers published in the volumes of scientific events organized within the POSDRU ID-77265 project

1. A.-I. Stînean, “Speed control of BLDC servo systems with variable moment of inertia”, Proceedings of the Workshop Nr.1-Interdisciplinaritatea și Managementul Cercetării, 2011, organized within the POSDRU ID-77265 project.

2. A.-I. Stînean, “PI-Neuro Fuzzy Controllers for the DC Motor Seen as Non-Minimum Phase System,” Proceedings of the Workshop Nr.2-Interdisciplinaritatea și managementul cercetării, 2012, organized within the POSDRU ID-77265 project.

3. A.-I. Stînean, “Control Solutions for a Mechatronic Application with Variable Moment of Inertia,” Proceedings of the Workshop Nr.3-Interdisciplinaritatea și managementul cercetării, 2013, organized within the POSDRU ID-77265 project.

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